Combat Dry Penis Skin and Early Aging With Vitamin E

Between the cold weather, dry indoor heat, and constant friction from clothing, the winter penis has a tendency to be dry and rough. As a result, it is prone to problems like soreness during masturbation and sex; it is more vulnerable to infections; and it is certainly not appealing to prospective partners. Fortunately, men don’t have to take dry penis skin with their pants, down, so to speak; using a little extra TLC during the winter months can help to improve the look and feel of the skin, as well as promoting better penis health in the long term.

One important aspect of penis care is the use of moisturizing agents that can soothe irritated skin and soften away roughness, leaving it looking youthful and appealing. When it comes to TLC for the penile skin, Vitamin E is one of the most important tools in a man’s personal care arsenal.

What is vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that has powerful antioxidant properties. This vital nutrient is not produced in the body, so it must be acquired in sufficient quantities through the diet or through supplements.

While vitamin E has numerous other functions in the body, it’s most important quality when it comes to skin care is its role as an antioxidant. As an antioxidant, it fights free radicals -harmful atoms that damage the healthy tissue in the body.

Anti-aging properties

Damaging agents like chemicals in the environment and the sun’s UV rays cause tissue damage that can result in premature aging – thinner, more brittle skin that loses its tone and elasticity. Although the penis is generally covered by clothing, it is not entirely protected from even the sun’s rays, and without the right nutrient protection, the skin and underlying connective tissue can lose elasticity. The result is wrinkled, thinner, unhealthy-looking skin. Vitamin E is widely used in high-quality anti-aging body and facial creams; why not give the penis the same benefit?

Anti-blemish properties

As with early aging, vitamin E is often used in fighting blemishes, abrasions and scarring on the skin’s surface. This nutrient can help to produce softer, smoother skin and may reduce the appearance of scarring and stretch marks.

Disease-fighting properties

Along with the cosmetic benefits of vitamin E, its antioxidant properties are vital in protecting against cellular damage that can lead to serious diseases such as cancer.

Making the most of the penis benefits of vitamin E

Vitamin E is available in a number of healthy food items, such as dark green, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, mustard greens and beet greens. Asparagus, avocados, nuts and sunflower seeds are also rich in this important nutrient. Guys who get plenty of these foods in their diet may have a sufficient intake of vitamin E. On the other hand, men who go more for the meat and potatoes or beer and pizza food groups may want to consider a vitamin E supplement to make up for this nutritional gap.

One caveat here is that oral supplements are not always absorbed properly in the digestive tract, and there is no guarantee that the vitamin E they contain will be made available to the penile tissue. Fortunately, men can get around this problem by applying a vitamin E cream directly to the penis. Rather than reaching for a bottle of body lotion that contains fragrances and other ingredients that may be too harsh for the delicate skin down there, a specially formulated penis vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may offer a better solution. A nutrient-rich creme containing vitamin E that is absorbed directly into the penile tissue can make a difference in the tone and texture of the penis that men will notice almost right away, as well as providing vital protection for long-term penis health.