When planning to plant roses or enter into rose gardening, skills for rose bush care, transplanting roses, when to plant roses as well as organic rose gardening will be needed. If you are growing miniature roses or growing climbing roses, all of these skills will still be needed, but additional care will also be required. Here are a few ideas and tips on planning to plant roses.
When it comes to rose gardening, your garden does not have to be tended by an experienced gardener. First timers experiencing rose gardening are just as easily able to plant to plant and care for roses. When planning to plant roses, you will want to choose your plants well. To do this, you need to decide what planting zone you reside in and then find out the types of roses that will work best in this area. Figure out what size of a garden you can have or would like to plant. The area you choose will have to be able to give at least 6 full hours of morning sun daily in order for your roses to thrive. The soil’s acidity has much to do with the possibility of growing roses as well. These test kits can be obtained from the County Extension offices. The best pH for your soil is between 5.5 and 7.0 with 6.6 being optimal. Buying your plants locally gives you the chance to get bare rooted bushes or potted ones, and both are just as easy and it is simply a choice you have. Mail orders may be cheaper at times, but you will have very little time to order, receive and then plant your roses using this option.
When to plant roses or transplanting roses is completely up to you. However, the best time to plant is in early spring after the threat of frost is over. Soak the roots of your plants for 10 hours before planting them; if you have potted roses you should water if they are dry and then leave them to drain. Read instructions for planting your specific variety of roses, as all roses are not the same and do not take the same care as far as spacing and depth are concerned. Mix in organic matter like compost or manure into the soil 3 feet around the areas where each rose bush will be planted, and dig holes large enough that roots will have room to spread. Place the root ball or bare roots in the hole and then fill it up 2/3 of the way with soil. Soak the soil so that all air pockets are removed and allow it to settle. Add the remaining soil to the hole and if possible, create a raised rim around the bush to moisture can flow to the center for the roots.
There are many options when it comes to organic rose gardening or rose gardening for the beginner. Read about your specific roses before beginning.