Aloe Vera: Miraculous Plant Offering Several Health Benefits

Aloe Vera – the plant of immortality has been used since ages for medicinal and healing purposes. It is a short plant, just 2 to 3 feet in height. The leaves of this plant are rich in water and contain several other nutrients like minerals, vitamins, acids, salts and antioxidants. Technically, it contains around 22 different nutrients which are considered very useful for skin and hair. Owing to its miraculous healing power, this plant is widely used in the manufacturing of several beauty products.

Let me discuss first some of the properties of Aloe Vera.

It possesses antibacterial properties.

This plant contains various antioxidants which restrain the growth of bacteria. Because of this property, it is used in case of infection and inflammation. It contains compound from the hydrocarbon family which prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria.

It acts as moisturizer.

The Aloe Vera plant contains around 95 percent of water. Owing to this, it acts as an excellent moisturizing agent. The regular use of this helps in removing the dryness of the skin, thus making it more attractive. There are several skin moisturizers available in the market. You can also use them in order to give your skin attractive appearance.

It helps in preventing ageing of the skin.

This plant contains antioxidants as well as vitamin C and E. These ingredients are very effective in providing firmness to the skin. Moreover, the regular use of this helps in retaining the elasticity of the skin, thus giving you attractive and younger looks.

It is used to lighten skin.

It helps in lightening the texture of the skin. The ingredients of this plant help in controlling the pigmentation of the skin. When used on a regular basis, it helps in controlling the activity of the collagen, thus offering you bright skin.

Aloe Vera is also very useful for hair. Because of its miraculous healing properties, it is widely used in the manufacturing of the wide range of hair care products. As it contains around 22 amino acids along with different vitamins and mineral supplements, it helps in enhancing hair growth. It prevents the growth of dandruff and helps a lot in maintaining hair healthy and strong. The study has suggested that disturbed pH of the scalp is the main cause of hair fall. This is very effective in maintaining the pH of the scalp, thus preventing several diseases associated with hair.

There are several beauty and health care products available in the market. One can easily use these products in order to avail the several benefits offered by Aloe Vera. As it is basically a plant, its regular use doesn’t offer any side effect.